“A collaboration between two badass Choreographers ” —The New Yorker
“Jenn Freeman teaches us how we all might shape our challenges, redefine them as our strengths, and thrive in the process. The stories she tells through her remarkable dances transcend verbal communication and touch the audience in an indelible way.”—Dr. Kimberly Gilbert PH.D, Psychologist and Diagnostician
“An exquisite piece that defies categorization” — Christopher Ashley, the Rich Family Artistic Director of La Jolla Playhouse
“L.J. Playhouse’s dance-theater piece ‘Is It Thursday Yet’ a moving, cathartic journey of the mind” —David L. Coddon, Union Tribune
“Holland Andrews’ Annie Lennox meets Kate Bush meets Beverly Sills score with its blend of both beauty and purposeful discordance is gorgeous and hypnotic.” — Milo Shapiro